In addition to our natural heritage, Downers Grove enjoys an immense cultural heritage, with widely varied neighborhoods, historic buildings and sites. Prince Pond as well as  the historic Prince subdivision harkens back to an earlier period of Downers Grove.  The downtown business district reflects small town life with modern amenities. 

Historic Preservation in Downers Grove:

The Village Council adopted a new Historic Preservation Ordinance on December 15, 2015.  The new ordinance was the result of extensive community participation at both the Architectural Design Review Board (ADRB) / Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Historic Preservation meetings and Village Council meetings.  More information is available on the Historic Preservation page of the Village website.
What can we learn from the fate of the Edwards House?

In June 2016 after a seven month struggle, the historic and picturesque Edwards House on Maple Avenue was demolished to make way for a five story, 55 unit condominium building. Please click here to read a detailed account of how this loss of a significant historic home evolved.

Is your home a Historic Landmark?

The State of Illinois surveyed buildings in the Village in the early 1970s. The Village has reviewed the survey and mapped the buildings that were identified by the State. Many of the buildings have retained their historic character and significance. Check out the Village’s Interactive Maps to see if your home is a potential Landmark.

How do I make my property a Historic Landmark?

The Historic Preservation Design & Review Board and Village Council review applications for Landmark status. Click on the link to read the Historic Landmark Brochure or call the Community Development Department for an application packet.

The above Village historic preservation information provided courtesy of the Downers Grove Community Development Department.
Other resources: Illinois -
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency:
Landmarks Illinois:
Other resources: national –
National Trust for Historic Preservation:

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: